- 跨境电商
- 2024-09-09
- 201热度
- 1评论
[英]: Hello,my dear friend.Thank you foryour visiting to my store, you can find theproducts you need at my store .lf there areno goods you need,you can tell us,and wecan help you to find the prouct, please feelhappy to buy everything here! Thanks again.
[英]: Dear,hello,lam very happy to serveyou.What canI do for you?
[中] :感谢您的光顾,如果您能尽快确认订单,我会送一些礼物。好消息:最近我们店里有很多活动。如果你方购买的商品价值达到一定数额,我们将会给你一个满意的折扣。
[英]: Thanks your coming,if you confirmthe order as soon as possible,I will send somegifts to you.A good news: Recently there arealot ofactivities in our store.lf the value ofgoods you buy count to a certain amount, wewill give you a satisfied discount.
[英]: The goods you need has been sent toyou.lt's on the way now.Please pay attentionto the deliveryand signit as soon as possibleIf you have any questions,please contact mein your free time.
[英]: Thank you for your purchase,Ihaveprepared you some gifts, which will be sent toyou along with the goods.Sincerely hope youlike it.I'll give you a discount,if you want topurchase another products.
[英] Dear,lam very sorry to tell you thatthis productis nolongerin stock,you canlook at this, the quality ofthese two prouctsboth are very good and the styles and pricesare similar.
[英] Hi friend,we are really sorry that theXXX you order is out of stock at the moment.lwill contact the factory to see when they aregoing to be available again.I would like torecommend you some other pretty XXX whichhave the same style.Hope you like them as well.You can clickon the following link to check them out.lfthere' s anythinglcan help Please contactusin your free time.Thanks.
[英]:Dear customer, your order has been sent from China. lt willtakeabout 10 -15days for you to sign your receipt.
[英]:Dear customer, this is the latest shipping inofor for theproductsyou orderedin our store.
[英]:Hello dear customer, your goods are in transit, you willreceive thegoods soon,please be patient, thank you.
[英]:Dearcustomer Thanks for your continuous support to ourstore, anowestriving toimproveourselves in terms ofservice, quality,sourcingetc.. ltwould be highly appreciatedif you could leave us a positivefeedback-5 starwhich will be agreat encouragement for us. lf thereis anything I can helpwithdon' t hesitate to tell me.
[英]:Thank you for your positive comment. Your encouragementwill keepusmoving forward.We sincerely hope that we willhave morechances to serveyou. Thanks!
[英]:Dear Valued Customer, We are happy to inform you thatyourpurchase hasbeen dispatched! The typical time ofarrival is between7 -17 days. [f your itemdoes not arrivewithin 17 days, please let usknow. After your item hasarrived,why not take a moment to leavepositive feedbackabout our products andservice? It only takes amoment, andit' s a great way to help others makepurchases likeyours!Thank you for your custom, and we look forwardtoprovidingyou with the best buying experience again !
[中]:尊敬的客户您好: 很抱歉打扰您,非常抱歉您在这里的购物体验不愉快,因此给我们的评分较低,再次致歉。但是,亲爱的,我可以知道您的订单如何处理吗?您能否给我一些反馈以便我给您一些补偿? 谢谢您的答复。
[英]:Hi Dear customer, sorry for bothering you, am really sorrythat youhaveunhappy shopping experience here so thatgave us low rating.sincerelyapologize again. But dear, mayknow what happen to yourorder? Could youpls give mesome feedback so that i can give yousome compensation?i'dappreciate your reply.
[中]:尊敬的客户您好:下午好,很抱歉再次打扰您,对不起给您造成麻烦,请您给我次为您服务的机会?我真的很想为您解决问题,让您满意,谢谢您的理解。 您的答复将是感激的。您的答复。
[英]:*Hi Dear customer, good afternoon, sorry to bother youagain, i amso sorryfor causing you trouble, could you pleasekindly give me achance to serviceyou? I really want to solvethe problem for you tomake you satisfied, thanksfor yourunderstanding. Your reply will beappreciative.
[中]:尊敬的客户您好:下午好,很抱歉打扰您,您似乎对我们的产品不满意,如果您对该商品有任何疑问,请告诉我们,好的,我会尽力为您解决问题 让您满意谢谢。
[英]:*Hi Dear customer, good afternoon, Sorry to bother you, ltseemsthat you arenot satisfied with our product, if you haveanyproblemabout the item, pleasekindly let us know, ok, iwill try my best tosolve it for you to make yousatisfiedthanks.